Services Offered
Know whether your idea can be profitable by developing your financial model. Insure your idea is well thought out and get you focused on your most important priorities by writing a business plan. Investors (even if the only investor is you investing your time) appreciate a clear and concise plan that covers all the essential business issues and risks. Save costs by clearly understanding what you need before using up expensive legal and accounting time.
Stay focused on serving your customers by organizing day to day operational details for you such as: How do I do my banking? How do I pay my employees? How do I offer a good benefits package? How do I set up my computer systems? How do I export my products? How do I do my bookkeeping? How do I manufacture my product? How do I set up my phone system? How do I pay my taxes?
Understand your customers and how best to reach them. Put together a marketing plan that communicates the benefits of your products or services in such a way that customers feel an urgent need to buy.
Develop a website with our design services.
Deliver new products on time and within budget using an experienced program manager to insure everyone on your team is working at peak effectiveness.